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Home Projekte Emsflower GmbH

Emsflower GmbH

Die Emsflower GmbH ist eine der größten Gärtnereien in Europa mit Sitz in Emsbüren, Deutschland. Sie konzentrieren sich auf umweltfreundliche Produktionsmethoden, einschließlich der Erzeugung ihrer eigenen Energie und der Verringerung der Abhängigkeit von fossilen Brennstoffen.

greenhouses icon Bio-Energie
location icon Emsbüren, Deutschland

Projektphasen: Beratung, Entwurf und Ergebnis

Enerdes climate control

1 Consult

KARA began by consulting with Emsflower to understand their specific needs for sustainable energy generation and efficient biomass combustion. This consultation involved assessing the existing infrastructure and identifying the best approach to integrate a bioenergy system.

Greenhouse Boiler Room

2 Design

Based on the consultation, KARA designed a custom biomass combustion system for Emsflower. The solution includes a biomass supply system with walking floors, a hydraulically moving inclined grid for complete combustion, and a flue gas cleaning system using an electrostatic filter. This system provides 8MW heating, 1MW electric, and 18 bar steam (90°C).

Emsflower GmbH Emsbüren Germany

3 Result

The implementation of KARA’s bioenergy solution has significantly improved the sustainability and energy efficiency at Emsflower. The controlled biomass combustion process ensures optimal energy generation and minimal environmental impact, supporting Emsflower’s commitment to environmentally friendly production.

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    Kontaktformulierung onderaan

    Plesmanweg 21
    7602 PD Almelo
    Die Niederlande
    +31 (0) 546 – 876500