Double Air Distribution Hoses for Greenhouses
Enerdes has been a pioneer in greenhouse innovation for decades. Since 1910, we have been involved with climate control systems. Our agriculture and horticulture knowledge has allowed us to develop an air distribution system that has revolutionized the greenhouse industry. Over the years we have obtained many patents in greenhouse technology. One of them is for the double air distribution hose.
Enerdes double air distribution hoses will guarantee you:
- The most balanced growth of the crop
- The most reliable yield rates
What exactly are the advantages of an Enerdes double air distribution hose?
- Best air distribution performance available on the global market
- No horizontal temperature differences
- Optimal growing conditions near the plant
- Tailor-made hole patterns for optimal puncture hole distribution
- Lower minimum fan speed
- Fewer diseases
- Longest product life time
- Customization with your logo
- Fair prices
- Easy installation
Enerdes – experts in creating the perfect air quality in greenhouses.
Best air distribution performance
A perfect air distribution in the greenhouse is essential for your crop. Enerdes air distribution hoses ensure a continuous flow of air which is necessary to, for example:
- Reduce diseases (Botrytis)
- Reduce mold development
- Improve distribution of humidity
- Improve temperature distribution
- Air mixing
- Dry air introduction
Due to air hose ventilation, the air is distributed perfectly over the entire length of the hose. The result is a balanced growth of the crop and reliable yield rates.
No horizontal temperature differences
The perfect insulation of the double-layer air distribution hoses ensures that there are no horizontal temperature differences in the greenhouse. Both the horizontal and the vertical temperature gradient are much smaller compared to conventional air hoses.
This delivers the following advantages:
- Even growth behaviour of the throughout the entire greenhouse
- No cold spots
- No local humidity buildup
Optimal growing conditions near the plant
The hoses can be placed under the gutters. This provides horizontal air movement, and creates optimal growing conditions near the plant:
- Proven to improve plant health
- Reduces humidity accumulation
- Avoids the problems that come with stagnant air in a greenhouse
Enerdes air distribution hoses for semi-closed greenhouse can also be hung in the top of the greenhouse. This mixes air in the entire space and provides even temperature distribution and a homogeneous humidity distribution on a big scale. The air hoses in the top of the greenhouses provide both horizontal and vertical air circulation.
Tailor-made hole patterns for optimal puncture hole distribution
Enerdes double air distribution hoses can be provided with any desired pattern of holes:
- Any length
- Large availability of hole diameters from 4 to 50mm
- Large availability of air distribution hose diameters from 100 to 1020mm.
- Any hole pattern, linear and variable
But some combinations are more optimal for your greenhouse than others. We will help you find the best choice so that the air is evenly distributed throughout the entire air distribution hose.
We can even model your greenhouse, gutters and plants with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and determine the theoretically most optimal puncture hole distribution.
Enerdes air distribution hoses are being used in the whole world
Lower minimum fan speed of Enerdes air hoses
The great advantage of the Enerdes air distribution hoses is that, independent of the fan speed, you have a perfect blowout over the entire length of the air distribution hose. This enables you to set a lower minimum fan speed for the times when less air movement is desired. This is a big difference compared to single layer air distribution hoses.
The lower fan speed saves energy and this is advantageous for the energy bill. It is the most environmentally friendly and the most economical solution for greenhouses.
Enerdes also supplies the fans and everything needed to power them up and control them. You can even control the speed of each fan or fan group separately, thus controlling the air circulation in different areas of the greenhouse in any desirable way. This may come in handy if for example you have areas for different plant growth stages or different plant densities.
Fewer diseases through perfect air movement
Stagnant air in a greenhouse is the source for plant diseases. By keeping the air in motion constantly, germs and diseases as well as molds get less chance to grow.
The perfect air circulation in the greenhouse which is created by the double-layer air distribution hoses, makes sure that there are less or no diseases occurring in the greenhouse.
Longest life time for double air distribution hoses
Through the controlled movement of air in the double-layer air distribution hoses, there is no turbulence or uneven air movement. This results in the following advantages:
- More stable hose
- Hose is subjected to less fatigue
- Prolonged lifespan of the hoses
- Very low replacement cost
In addition, the maximum UV-stabilization ensures that light does not affect the air distribution hoses in semi-closed greenhouse. Furthermore, special additives make sure that the hoses are sturdy and tear less easily.
Customization with your logo
Upon request, we can print your own custom logo on the hoses. We supply the hoses both in white and transparent.
Air distribution hoses: the perfect diameter
Through our years of experience and research, we can calculate exactly what hoses ensure perfect airflow in your greenhouse.
In the table below, L is a symbol for the length of the greenhouse. Next, look at the correct distance from the centre to the centre of the gutter (in meters).
Which diameter hose fits the best in your greenhouse layout?

Air circulation with recirculation fans from Enerdes
Enerdes is known for customer-specific solutions. Our engineers like to think along with you to achieve the desired result.
We are specialized in supplying energy efficient ventilators. Our fans are also extremely suitable for recirculation under the crop in combination with our air distribution hoses.
Fire Resistant- Flameproof Air Distribution Hoses from Enerdes
We are supplying air distribution hoses across six continents. We can deliver our tubes/hoses in accordance with the requirements of:
- NFPA 90A
- UL 2518
- UL-C
- BS 5867 Part 2, 1980
- GB8624-2006
- DIN 4102-1
- Punched holes
End Caps
Enerdes delivers tailor-made end caps and can coat them if required. We can also provide them with stickers with your (company) logo’s. We often deliver them in combination with air distribution hoses.
End caps have three major advantages:
- Improved quality of center aisle plants
Each end cap has four adjustable openings. This allows you to determine how much air is allowed to escape from each air distribution hose. The extra ventilation at the end of the air distribution hose increases the quality of your plants at the center aisle. - Improved working conditions
On a center aisle in a greenhouse, it is often hot due to the sun shining full on the concrete. An additional advantage of end caps is that the often hot concrete in the aisles is cooled by the air distribution hoses. This ensures better working conditions for your employees. - A better look for your company
Normally, air distribution hoses are often terminated by means of tie wraps. This often looks unkempt. The use of end caps gives a more professional look and can also be used for marketing purposes by using stickers for example.
Greenhouse CO2 Enrichment by Enerdes
For some greenhouses, an even distribution of introduced CO2 gasses is very important as well. Instead of opening valves that blow CO2 rich gasses into the greenhouses.
CO2 tubes can be connected to the valves. These smaller poly ducts with a diameter of most commonly ø50 mm, are usually about 50 m long and have small puncture holes over the tube, similar to air distribution hoses.
The pressure distribution along CO2 tubes is critical for the CO2 introduction around your plants. We manufacture these CO2 tubes as well and we can advise you what the best length, diameter and hole pattern is for your crop.
Greenhouse air distribution accessories
A complete air distribution system for greenhouses includes many other components besides the air distribution hoses. These are all supplied by Enerdes as well:
- Greenhouse fan
- End caps
- End caps with adjustable opening
- Suspension hangers
- Suspension chain
- Clamps and ties
Other common names for air distribution hoses in greenhouses are:
- Air hoses
- Air ducts
- Air tubes
- Air distribution ducts
- Air distribution tubes
- Convection tubes
- Poly ducts or poly ducting
- Poly convection tubing
- Textile ducts or textile ducting