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Cannabis Climate System

Growing cannabis for medical purposes on an industrial scale is a challenging and meticulous business. In order to obtain a constant and high quality medical marijuana crop, advanced climate technology is required.

At Enerdes we offer a broad range of air handling units for legal cannabis growing greenhouses and vertical farms, from simple and efficient to high-tech solutions.

View Cannabis Climate Systems
Frank van Rooijen
Frank van Rooijen
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Advantages of Enerdes® Cannabis Climate Systems

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Optimized design for cannabis industry

Enerdes’ climate control systems are specifically tailored for the cannabis industry, ensuring that all aspects of cannabis cultivation, from growing to drying, are supported. This specialization guarantees an environment that perfectly suits the unique requirements of cannabis plants, enhancing growth and quality.

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Advanced automated control

With sensors placed throughout the greenhouse, Enerdes’ system automatically adjusts heating, cooling, humidification, and dehumidification. This precise control, adaptable to various stages of the crop lifecycle, ensures optimal growing conditions, leading to consistent cannabis quality and maximized plant health.

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Comprehensive environmental management

The system’s ability to handle crucial factors like water evaporation from plants, heat from growing lights, and external climate conditions, illustrates its comprehensive approach to managing the greenhouse environment. This means a stable and controlled setting is maintained, vital for high-quality cannabis cultivation.

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Air quality and odour control

Incorporating air filtration and odour control, Enerdes’ systems address crucial aspects of air quality. This not only aids in maintaining a healthy growing environment but also ensures compliance with regulations related to air purity and odour management in cannabis cultivation.

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Energy efficiency and sustainability

The system’s smart use of residual heat and energy recovery highlights its energy-efficient design. This aspect is crucial for reducing operational costs and enhancing the sustainability of the cultivation process, making it an environmentally and economically sound choice.

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Easy maintenance

Designed for continuous operation and durability, along with easy maintenance and cleaning capabilities, Enerdes’ systems offer reliability and ease of use. This ensures minimal downtime and consistent climate control, essential for uninterrupted cannabis cultivation throughout the year.

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Enerdes® Cannabis Climate Systems

Automatic Cannabis Climate Control

For the cultivation of medical cannabis, the lights-on and lights-off cycle is of utmost importance. The lighting has a huge influence on the temperature and on plant evaporation and thus humidity. Therefore, industrial cannabis greenhouses require an automated cannabis climate control system.

It is very important to realize that accurate greenhouse climate conditions during both lights-on and lights-off periods, are crucial to optimal plant growth and consistent cannabis quality.

Enerdes air handling units (AHU) are controlled based on sensor information of temperature and humidity:

  • The sensors are placed at many locations spread over the greenhouse area
  • Each AHU adjusts its heating, cooling, humidifying and dehumidifying capacity based on the air conditioning requirements of its allocated area
  • Set points for temperature, humidity and air movement may be changed during the crop life cycle
  • Set point adjustment and accurate control throughout the day

The result?

Perfect and homogeneous growing conditions at every location in the greenhouse!

Enerdes provides a complete solution for cannabis climate control that will be engineered and optimized to your specific greenhouse requirements.

Advanced Cannabis Climate Control by Enerdes

Enerdes can provide a complete solution for your industrial cannabis cultivation featuring all of the following components:

ComponentEnerdes Climate Control System
Design optimized for cannabis industry✔️
Cooling & Heating✔️
Temperature control✔️
Smart use of residual heat and recovered energy✔️
Humidification & Dehumidification
Humidity control✔️
Adjustable set-points✔️
Air circulation, air distribution and movement✔️
Air filtration✔️
Odour control✔️
Designed for 24/7/365 operations✔️
Designed for durability and easy maintenance✔️
Installations can be cleaned and disinfected✔️
Central monitoring and control✔️
Logging of data✔️
Remote control and assistance from Enerdes✔️
Energy efficienct✔️
Low noise levels✔️

Cannabis Climate Control Heating and Cooling

There are many aspects that make cannabis HVAC a climate control challenge and that is why it is wise to have an expert company design your climate control.

Enerdes has decades of experience in greenhouse climate installations and has completed many projects in medical cannabis related industries.

3 example factors that determine cannabis climate control:

  • Water evaporation:
    The large amount of water that the plants evaporate. The air in the greenhouse must be dehumidified and compensate for the latent energy load.
  • Heat effects of growing lights:
    The large production of heat created by the growing lights when they are ON, which is completely absent when they are OFF. This is sensible energy load.
  • Outdoor climate:
    Heat and cold from the outside

When selecting HVAC equipment for growing cannabis, we first look at the outdoor climate your greenhouse operates in. Depending on the temperature and humidity conditions outside, it can be determined how much capacity is required for heating, cooling and (de)humidifying your greenhouse.

At many locations, the climate has seasonal changes. Some greenhouses may need to be cooled in the summer and heated in the winter. Enerdes can supply air handling units that very efficiently do both.

Available cooling methods and their suitability for certain outdoor climates and cannabis drying rooms

Cooling methodSuitable outdoor climateSuitable for cannabis drying rooms
Evaporation coolingWarm and dryno
Cold water cooling, condensation coolingWarm and moistyes
Refrigerant cooling, condensation coolingWarm and moistyes

Regulations for Industrial Cannabis Cultivation

Not only air conditioning is important when growing cannabis on an industrial scale. Many areas will have strict regulations for medical cannabis cultivation operations.

Several important areas to consider are:

  1. Air filtration, HEPA filter grade
  2. Fresh air intake and air exhausts
  3. Odour control

1. Air filtration
The HEPA filter grade is important when one wishes to clean the air from even the smallest particles like viruses and bacteria. It requires powerful fans because the pressure drop over such a fine grade filter is significant. Besides climate control, Enerdes air handling units include filtration with several filter grades, depending on the customer’s wishes.

2. Fresh air intake and air exhausts
Any professional cannabis greenhouse operation will be very careful with fresh air intake and air exhaust. It is essential to be able to control the fresh air and exhaust air volumes and filter the fresh air for high crop quality and prevention of mold, mildew and plant diseases in your greenhouse.

3. Odour control
At the air exhaust, a commercial cannabis cultivation must consider odour control. This can be achieved through activated carbon and charcoal filters or through air purifiers.

All these systems are engineered and supplied by Enerdes and work together very well with the other air handling units.

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